Title: Never to Touch (And Never to Keep) Fandom: HALO: Spartan Ops (web series) Rating: T Genres: het Summary: Things between Thomas Lasky and Sarah Palmer have changed, even though it doesn't look like it. A/N: So. On fanfiction.net I was asked to just have them kiss. I took the suggestion to heart. Not sure if the result is what the reviewer had
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Title: A Hundred Tanks Along the Square Fandom: HALO: Spartan Ops (web series) Rating: T Genres: het Summary: Sometimes, Thomas Lasky likes to take a break in the atrium. The aftermath of being told off by Serin Osman is a perfect opportunity. A/N: Um. I have no idea how this happened. I just kind of started writing it and then this came out. I'm
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Title: People Spend A Lifetime This Way (And That’s How They Stay) Fandom: HALO: Spartan Ops (web series) Rating: T Genres: gen, with dashes of het Summary: Three days ago, Thomas Lasky threw Sarah Palmer out of his ready room and she has no idea how to salvage their friendship from the wreckage Osman's order left behind. A/N: I should stop with
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Title: Foolishness and Self-Deception Fandom: HALO: Spartan Ops (web series) Rating: T Genres: gen Summary: Ever since leaving Requiem behind, there's been silence and anger between Thomas Lasky and Sarah Palmer. A/N: You see this, 343industries? This is what your Spartan Ops S1 epilogue made me write! I hope you're happy now :P[Spoilers for Spartan Ops S1 epilogue. Obviously.](but seriously, that
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Hey, Halo fans! We need to resurrect this comm! I've been off and busy, but I bring an offering...
Title: Echoes - Prologue (1/7) Rating: Teen for Violence & Limited Gore Genre: Action/Angst/Friendship Characters: John-117, Cortana, Thomas Lasky, Sarah Palmer, Catherine Halsey Word Count: 4,400 Words Summary: [CONTAINS HALO 4 SPOILERS]Two weeks after the New Phoenix Event
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Title: Failed Objective Fandom: Halo Characters & Pairings: Catherine Halsey, John-117, Gabriel Thorne Rating & Warnings: K+, Spoilers abound Word Count: 1,200+ Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst Summary: “I wanted to apologize to you directly. For failing my objective.” Author's Notes: Takes place after the fourth episode of "Spartan Ops."